
Project Stats:

Name: Vertigun
Project type: Intership
Client: Excamedia
Production Time: I worked on the project for three months. The project was in production for about eight months.
Date: 2015-2016
Engine/language: Unity/C#
Platforms: PC
Tools: Git
Team members: two programming interns, one art intern, and one lead/game designer

Project Description

The goal of this project was to develop a VR tech demo for ant-VR, which would be showcased at Firstlook, a Dutch game fair. The game had already been in development for five months before I joined the project.

My contributions


When I joined the project there was no project management software in use. So I set up git and explained to all people working on the project how to use it.

Race track editor

When I joined the project there was an existing custom-made race track editor inside of Unity. My objective was to make the editor easier and more efficient to use and fix the mesh generation of the race tracks.

After I worked on the race track editor the level designer working on the project told me he could edit a track in an hour instead of a workday.

Kit van de Bunt |

Fixing the mesh generation

Problem: The rotation of each bezier point used to be generated by the editor. Unfortunately, the code calculating the rotations was not correct, which lead to incorrect sections in the race track.

Solution: To repair the mesh generation I added a rotation edit mode. This added an extra step to the editor, but it allowed the level designer to be in full control of the rotations of the race track, saving time by not having to fiddle with the incorrect rotations code.

Kit van de Bunt | Edit Mode selector on top.<br>Images showing a rotation node in two different states and a simplified mesh changing according to the node's rotation.

Edit Mode selector on top.
Images showing a rotation node in two different states and a simplified mesh changing according to the node's rotation.

Race track editor quality of life updates

The race track mesh generation needed to be triggered manually. To make the editor easier to use I added an auto-update to the editor.

I made the color and size of the UI components of the editor adjustable so they were easier to use in different environments.

Kit van de Bunt | Auto-generate toggle on the top.<br> Top image before node icon update.<br>Bottom image after node icon update.

Auto-generate toggle on the top.
Top image before node icon update.
Bottom image after node icon update.